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Safety and Occupational Health

Employee Health and Safety

Our people are our assets and their welfare is our responsibility. The promise of Caring, Sharing, Growing is an integral part of Jubilant Pharmova.

An Environment Health and Safety Division has been set up at all our manufacturing facilities with dedicated safety officers. Well-equipped Occupational Health Centres (OHC) has been set up at major manufacturing facilities along with an ambulance, benefiting all the employees and contract workmen.

Safety Training and Awareness workshops are conducted regularly. All workmen, including on-contract, are given a safety talk before allocation of work to them. Specific training modules have been designed for specific work. Health check-ups are conducted for our employees as well as labour regularly. Apart from this, we also organise various programs for the families of our employees which includes AIDS awareness, maternal & child health, etc.

We have adopted the Globally Harmonised System for providing and spreading safety information regarding our products. In addition, we are also members of the Responsible Care program of the Indian Chemical Council and committed to Sustainability; the global chemical industry's unique initiative to improve its Health and Safety.

We have safety teams at two levels- Central and Zonal. While the Central team looks after the overall unit, the Zonal team emphasises the specific zones within the unit. These committees constitute representatives from both management as well as employees. The safety system includes approaches such as:

  • Identification of hazards and assessment of the risk involved in various activities right from product development stage to the delivery stage.
  • Comprehending and incorporating necessary safety measures at the design stage itself.
  • Developing and implementing effective systems such as work permits, mock drills, a system of reporting incidents, identifying the root cause of the same and built-in preventive measures etc.
  • Fire being a major hazard in all the operations, an elaborate firefighting system is installed comprising alarm systems, manual call points, sprinkler systems, pressurized fire hydrant system, fire tenders and well trained human resources to handle emergencies.
  • An ‘On-site emergency’ plan is updated regularly, training imparted, mock drills are organized to fine-tune the emergency plans.
  • Carrying out HAZOP/ HAZAN studies, developing safety data sheets, selection of suitable material of construction, developing standard operating procedures, carrying out hazardous area of classification are some of the several methods adopted to handle safety aspects of company’s operations.

Pharmaceuticals business through Jubilant Pharma Limited is engaged in manufacturing and supply of Radiopharmaceuticals with a network of 49 Radio pharmacies in the US, Allergy Therapy Products, Contract Manufacturing of Sterile Injectables and Non-sterile products, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Solid Dosage Formulations manufacturing facilities in the US, Canada and India.

Jubilant Pharma manufacturing sites have been inspected and certified by a national regulatory agency and by various regulatory agencies like USFDA, Health Canada, AFSSAPS / ANSM – France, EMA, National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition- Hungary, TGA - Australia, PMDA – Japan, KFDA – Korea, COFEPRIS – Mexico, ANVISA – Brazil, CDSCO – India, MOH - Tanzania and MOH - Belarus

The quality system for 3 out of 7 sites are compliant to ISO 9001: 2015 standards, all manufacturing sites are compliant to other regional GMP requirements and ICH Q7. Environmental concerns have been an integral part of all design and Industrial activity. The Environmental, Health and Safety management system, of the unit is compliant to ISO 14001:2015 & BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (2 out of 6 sites).

At Jubilant Pharmova, we take all necessary measures to ensure that the security personnel at the organisation are aware, equipped and trained for handling security-related matters including fire safety, communicating with visitors, escalation of matters, quick decision making, etc. Proper training is given to the security personnel for extinguishing the fire.

Customer Health & Safety

At Jubilant Pharmova, Customer satisfaction & safety is an area of utmost concern, is directly linked to business value. Business Head and Functional Heads are responsible for addressing the issues related to product responsibility aspects of their respective business. They are supported by a dedicated sales and marketing team, Research & Development (R&D) team, Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC), Regulatory Affairs (RA) team and other relevant departments.

We have established two able-bodied approaches for Customer Health and Safety. While the devoted R&D, Pharmacovigilance and REACH teams constantly work on to upgrade the product safety information, there are QA & QC Teams who work alongside each other to ensure that the product quality, packaging and labelling of the products are not only strictly in accordance with the customer’s specifications, but also matches up to the international guidelines as well as the regulatory requirements as applicable.

The systems are well in place to ensure customer’s health and safety during the transportation, handling as well as usage of the products, depending upon the type of product and nature of its end customers. In the meantime, the R&D Team continuously keeps updating the product’s health and safety information in form of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which is made available to the customers.

At Jubilant, we ensure compliance with the national and international product quality & safety standards. Jubilant compliance with ICH Q7, WHO, USFDA, Health Canada, EMA, TGA, PMDA, KFDA, COFEPRIS, ANVISA, CDSCO regulations.

The products are registered and approved in various counties, there are XX approved ANDA and XX ANDS. There are 40 approved CEP, 100 USDMF filed, 30 approved EDMF.

Constantly explore the opportunity to upgrade its manufacturing technologies and quality standards to achieve. To achieve this, we follow a four-step process:

  • Adopt a Quality by Design (QbD) approach in Manufacturing and clearly identify sources of variability and continuous monitoring program
  • Be Right the first time. Identify and eliminate defects to exceed customer expectations
  • Commence a "risk-based" approach for validation and mitigate risks for commercial manufacturing wherever they are likely to impact quality
  • Transparency and robust quality culture across the organization