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Holding your shares
  • It is advisable to register securities in joint names in order to facilitate succession.

  • Addition of the name of a joint holder, even a family member, is considered a "Transfer" and attracts stamp duty. A regular transfer deed would be required to be executed. Blank transfer deeds would be available with your local stockbroker / stock exchange (For stamp duty payable, please see under the head "Transfer of Shares").

    For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.

  • Availing nomination facility

    For securities held in physical form, you may nominate a person by completing form 2B (Click here for Nomination Request Form) and registering the same with the Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company.

    For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.

    Note: No request for registration of nomination and/or any change therein shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

Transfer of shares
  • Contact details of Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA)

    Alankit Assignments Ltd.,
    Alankit House, 2E/21, Jhandewalan Extension,
    New Delhi-110055
    Phones: +91-11-23541234 | +91-11-42541234
    Fax: +91-11-41541967

  • Transfer of Shares – Procedure
    • The Share Certificate(s), along with the duly completed and stamped Share Transfer Form(s), should be sent to Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company.
    • Share transfer stamps at the prescribed rate should be affixed on the reverse of the Share Transfer Form at the place provided. The stamps should be duly cancelled. As on March 1, 2007 the rate of stamp duty is 25 paise per hundred Rupees or part thereof, of the value of shares. For this purpose, the value of the shares may be ascertained on the basis of the rate of the share on the stock exchange on the date of execution of the transfer deed.However, latest stamp duty rate may be ascertained
    • In case Power of Attorney holder (POA holder) signs on behalf of the transferor, he should quote POA registration number as registered with the RTA, on the transfer deed or else, the transferee should request the transferor, before approaching for transfer, to have the POA registered with the RTA.
    • In case the transferee has an existing folio number, he should quote the existing folio number on transfer deed to enable registration of new shares in the same folio number.
    • If all the documents are in order, the shares will be duly transferred and the certificates will be returned to you duly endorsing your name, normally within a fortnight from the receipt of document(s).
    • In case the share certificate(s) do not reach you within 30 days from the date of lodging the same, you may please contact the RTA.
    • It is advisable that photocopies of the share certificate(s) and the transfer deed(s) sent for transfer are retained by the transferee.
    • In respect of shares held in demat form, transfers are effected electronically through the NSDL / CDSL system.
    • No transfer of shares is effected during the Book Closure period of the Company.
Transmission of shares
  • Transmission of shares - Meaning
    • Transmission of shares is the process of transfer of shares of the deceased shareholder(s) in the name(s) of the surviving family members without following the procedure for transfer of shares.
    • For transmission of shares, shareholders are requested to write to:
      • Registrar and Transfer Agentof the Company (in case of shares held in physical form); and
      • Their Depository Participant(s)(in case shares are held in electronic form)

    Note : Regarding procedure for transmission of shares, members may refer to the next question on transmission of shares.

  • Transmission of Rs.10/- shares of Ramganga Fertilisers Limited

    If you have a Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will, please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of Death Certificate(s) of deceased Shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Copy of Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Original Rs.10/- Share Certificates of Ramganga Fertilisers Limited.
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    Note: In case you do not have either of the above documents, please write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, who shall advise you further course of action in the matter.

    Transmission of Rs.10/- shares of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited

    If you have a Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will, please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Copy of Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public
    • Original Rs.10/- Share Certificates of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    Note: In case you do not have either of the above documents, please write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, who shall advise you further course of action in the matter.

    Transmission of Rs.10/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited

    Transmission of Rs.10/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited If you are a registered nominee of the deceased shareholder(s), please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Copy of Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public
    • Original Rs.10/- Share Certificates of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    Note: In case you do not have either of the above documents, please write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, who shall advise you further course of action in the matter.

    If you have a Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will, please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public
    • Copy of Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public
    • Original Rs.10/- Share Certificates of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    Note: In case you do not have either of the above documents, please write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, who shall advise you further course of action in the matter.

    Transmission of Rs. 5/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited

    If you are a registered nominee of the deceased shareholder(s), please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public
    • Copy of the nomination form registered with the Company / Nomination Registration no.
    • Original Rs.5/- Share Certificates of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    If you have a Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will, please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public
    • Copy of Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will duly certified by an Executive Magistrate or a Notary Public.
    • Original Rs.5/- Share Certificates of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    Note: In case you do not have either of the above documents, please write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, who shall advise you further course of action in the matter.

    Transmission of Re.1/- shares of Jubilant Pharmova Limited

    If you are a registered nominee of the deceased shareholder(s), please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Copy of the nomination form registered with the Company / Nomination Registration no.
    • Original Re.1/- Share Certificates of Pharmova Limited.
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    If you have a Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will, please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Copy of Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Original Re.1/- Share Certificates of Jubilant Pharmova Limited.
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    Note: In case you do not have either of the above documents, please write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, who shall advise you further course of action in the matter.

Transposition of names
  • Transposition of names(s)- Meaning

    Transposition of name(s) is the process of changing the sequence of name(s) as appearing on the Share Certificate(s) and in the Register of Members of the Company.

    Note : No request for transposition of name(s) shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

  • Interchanging the order of names

    Note : No request for transposition of name(s) shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

    • For shares held in physical form, the request for change in the order of names of registered holders should be made on a plain paper (Click here for format). The request should be signed by all the joint holders and submitted along with the share certificate(s), to RTA.
    • Please note that you cannot reduce the number or increase the number of shareholders. Such cases would be considered as ‘Transfer of Shares' (Click here for procedure).
    • For securities held in electronic form, please contact your Depository Participant.
Loss of share certificates / Issue of duplicates
  • Issue of Duplicate Share Certificates - Procedure

    Please intimate the Registrar Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company immediately regarding loss of share certificates, giving details of folio number, certificate numbers and distinctive numbers, to the extent available.

    Further, please also lodge a complaint with the local Police Station of your area and send to the RTA an acknowledged copy of the Complaint / FIR. The RTA will, thereafter, advise you further course of action in the matter.

  • How can I receive dividend

    To receive dividend, as and when declared:


    In case shareholders provide:

    In case neither of the above details are provided, the dividend warrant is mailed at the address of the first named holder/sole shareholder.

    • Shareholders holding shares in physical form should provide either of the following information viz., Bank Details (Click here for form) / Bank Mandate (Click here for form) to the Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company.
      • Currently, facility of credit of dividend through ECS is being provided at select locations viz., Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh , Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna and Thiruvananthapuram, Pune.
      • Shareholders residing at other than ECS locations are, therefore, advised to furnish Bank Details / Bank Mandate to the RTA.
    • Shareholders holding shares in electronic form should provide either of the following information viz., Bank Details (Click here for form) / Electronic Clearing Service Mandate (Click here for form) to their Depository Participants.
    • In case of demat of physical shares, for which ECS facility has been availed earlier, the ECS form needs to be resubmitted to the Depository Participant.
      • Bank details, the same are printed on the dividend warrant and the warrant is sent to the address of the first named shareholder/sole shareholder.
      • Bank mandate, the same are printed on the dividend warrant and the warrant is sent to the address of the first named shareholder/sole shareholder.
      • ECS mandate, the dividend is credited electronically to the account of the shareholder with an advice to the shareholder.
  • Receiving dividend through ECS

    To receive dividend, as and when declared:

    • The Company is presently providing facility of Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) for payment of dividend to shareholders in the following cities viz. Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna and Thiruvananthapuram. As such, shareholders having bank account(s) in the aforesaid cities can receive dividend though ECS by filling the ECS Mandate Form (Click here for form) and furnishing the same to:
      • The Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company in case shares are held in physical form; and
      • Their Depository Participants in case shares are held in electronic form.

    Note :No request for recording / changing ECS mandate shall be entertained over Fax/ e-mail.

  • Sending dividend warrant to the bank directly

    Shareholders holding shares in physical form only can have their dividend warrants sent directly to their bank by providing their bank mandate (Click here for form) and furnishing the same to The Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company.

    Note : No request for recording / changing Bank mandate shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

  • Insertion of Bank details for printing on Dividend Warrant

    Shareholders who wish to have their bank details printed on the dividend warrant are requested to provide the said details(Click here for form) and furnish the same to:

    • The Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company in case shares are held in physical form.
    • Their Depository Participants in case shares are held in electronic form.

    Note : No request for recording / changing Bank mandate shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

  • Issue of duplicate dividend warrant / Cheque / Demand Draft

    A cheque / Demand Draft shall be issued in lieu of unpaid dividend(s) after the expiry of the initial and/or the extended validity period of the dividend warrant and if the original dividend warrant is found unpaid as per the records of the Company and upon execution by shareholders of:

    Note : Executed Declaration / Indemnity Bond for release of unpaid dividend(s) shall not be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

  • Unpaid / Unclaimed Dividends

    In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, unpaid/ unclaimed dividends have been treated as follows:

    • Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividends for the financial years upto and including 1993-94, have been transferred to the General Revenue Account of the Central Government. If you have valid claims of unpaid dividend for financial years upto and including 1993-94, you can get the payment from the Government. For this, you may approach the Registrar of Companies, U.P. & Uttaranchal, Westcott Building, The Mall, Kanpur, U.P.
    • Unpaid / Unclaimed dividends pertaining to the financial years 1994-95 to 2001-02 have been transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund established under Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956. As per the said Section, no claims are allowed against the Fund or the Company for the amounts transferred to it.
    • In respect of unpaid/unclaimed dividends for the years 2002-03 onwards, the shareholders are requested to write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) (quoting their folio no. / DP ID no. & Client ID no.). Unpaid Dividend for the year 2002-03 is due for transfer to Investor Education and Protection Fund in the last week of October,2010. Claims, if any, should, therefore, be lodged with the RTA well in advance.
  • Issue of a duplicate dividend warrant / Cheque / Demand Draft

    In case you are having dividend warrant(s) for the period between 2002-03 to 2008-09, a cheque / demand draft shall be issued if the dividend amount is found unpaid as per the records of the Company and upon execution of:

    • A declaration (Click here for format) if the amount of unpaid dividend does not exceed Rs.1,000/-; or
    • An indemnity bond (Click here for format) if the amount of unpaid dividend exceeds Rs.1,000/- Registrar and Transfer Agent

    Note : Executed Declaration / Indemnity Bond for release of unpaid dividend(s) shall not be entertained over Fax / e-mail.

Dematerialising your shares
  • Dematerialisation of Shares - Procedure

    This is a process whereby the shares held in physical form are converted into Electronic form. Procedure for demat of shares has been explained separately.

  • Dematerialisation of Shares - Procedure

    The following is the procedure for dematerialisation of shares:

    • Open a demat account with a Depository Participant (DP) of your choice.
    • Hand-over to your DP, the certificates along with the 'Dematerialisation Request Form' (DRF). Please note that only the shares registered in your name can be submitted for dematerialisation. Also, please ensure that the demat account is in the same combination of name(s) as appearing on the Share Certificate(s)
    • Your DP will then send the DRF and the certificates to the Company's Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA).
    • RTA will verify the documents and if found in order, the dematerialisation request will be confirmed and the shares, in turn, will be credited to your account with DP.

    This entire process should take approximately 15-20 days.

  • Opening of an account with a Depository and account related information

    Your DP will allot you an account number, which will serve as a reference for all your future dealings with him.

    It is also advisable to check your monthly/quarterly demat statements provided by your DP.

  • Getting corporate benefits

    All the corporate benefits such as dividend, bonus shares, rights etc. will be issued to the beneficial owners i.e. the accountholders who hold the securities in electronic form. The dividend amounts as and when declared/paid will be sent to you/your bankers or credited to your account directly through Electronic Clearing Service, if opted for.

  • Trading of shares in electronic form

    Buying and selling shares in electronic form is done through your broker. Such transactions would be simpler and faster. Payments for such transactions would be made in the same way as is done for physical certificates. Securities purchased in electronic form are credited to your account without any formalities of filling transfer deeds or affixing share transfer stamps or applying to the Company for registration.

    Such transactions are not routed through the Company/ RTA and the debit/credit takes place directly in the Depository System. However, corporate benefits would be paid to the person holding such securities on the Record date/Book closure date, as applicable.

  • Reconverting my electronic holding into paper form

    Reconversion of electronic holding into physical form can be done at any time by submitting a 'Remat Request Form' (RRF) to your DP. The DP will in turn pass on this request to theRTA.

    The RTA will then issue fresh share certificates to you.

Exchange of shares
  • Exchange of shares - Procedure (Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Ramganga Fertilisers Limited)

    Please furnish the following documents:-

    • Original Share Certificates of Rs.10/- each of Ramganga Fertilisers Limited.
    • Request letter for exchange of shares (Click here for format)

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Ramganga Fertilisers Limited.

    • Pursuant to the BIFR order Ramganga Fertilisers Limited (RFL) was merged with Vam Organic Chemicals Limited (VOCL). As per the said BIFR order, shareholder(s) of RFL was/were allotted shares of VOCL of Rs.10/- each, in the ratio of 1:10.35. 
    • The name of VOCL was changed to ‘Jubilant Organosys Limited' (the Company), in November, 2001.
    • The Rs.10/- shares of the Company were sub-divided into shares of Rs.5/- each in November, 2002. 
    • The shareholders of the Company were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5. 
    • The Rs.5/- shares of the Company were further sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006. 
    • Pursuant to the above, shares of erstwhile RFL are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date.
    • Shareholders of RFL are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of RFL to the Registrar and Transfer Agents of the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company.
    Exchange of shares - Procedure (Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited)

    Please furnish the following documents:-

    • Original Share Certificates of Rs.10/- each of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited.
    • Request letter for exchange of shares (Click here for format)

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited.

    • The name of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited (VOCL) was changed to ‘Jubilant Life Sciences Limited' (the Company), in November, 2001. 
    • The Rs.10/- shares of the Company were sub-divided into shares of Rs.5/- each in November, 2002. 
    • The shareholders of the Company were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5 
    • The Rs.5/- shares of the Company were further sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006. 
    • Pursuant to the above, the Rs.10/- shares of VOCL are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date. 
    • Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of VOCL are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of VOCL to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company.
    Exchange of shares – Procedure (Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited)

    Please furnish the following documents:-

    • Original Share Certificates of Rs.10/- each of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.
    • Request letter for exchange of shares (Click here for format)

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.

    • The Rs.10/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited (the ‘Company') were sub-divided into shares of Rs.5/- each in November, 2002. 
    • The shareholders of the Company were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5. 
    • The Rs.5/- shares of the Company were further sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006. 
    • Pursuant to the above, the Rs.10/- shares of the Company are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date. 
    • Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of the Company are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of the Company to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company.
    Exchange of shares - Procedure (Shareholders holding Rs.5/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited)

    Please furnish the following documents:-

    • Exchange of shares - Procedure (Shareholders holding Rs.5/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited)
    • Request letter for exchange of shares (Click here for format)

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.5/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.

    • The shareholders of the Jubilant Life Sciences Limited (the ‘Company') were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5.
    • Further, the Rs.5/- shares of the Company were sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006.
    • Pursuant to the above, the Rs.5/- shares of the Company are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date.
    • Shareholders holding Rs.5/- shares of the Company are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of the Company to the Registrar and Transfer Agentof the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company.
    Transmission of Re.1/- shares of Jubilant Pharmova Limited

    If you are a registered nominee of the deceased shareholder(s), please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Copy of the nomination form registered with the Company / Nomination Registration no.
    • Original Re.1/- Share Certificates of Jubilant Pharmova Limited.
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    If you have a Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will, please furnish the following documents:

    • Copy of the Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Copy of Succession Certificate / Letter of Administration / Probate of Will duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • Original Re.1/- Share Certificates of Jubilant Pharmova Limited.
    • Request letter for transmission of shares (Click here for format)

    Note: In case you do not have either of the above documents, please write to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, who shall advise you further course of action in the matter.

Change of Address
  • A letter duly signed by the holders stating the new address and all the Folio Nos. may be sent to RTA.

    An acknowledgement will be sent to your new address confirming the updation of the change in our records.

    Please note that requests for change of address over e-mail will not be accepted.

    In case you have dematerialised your holdings, please write to your DP.

Change of Specimen Signature
Bank Details
  • Insertion of Bank details for printing on Dividend Warrant
    • If you write to the RTA giving the particulars of your bank name and branch and your account no. and type, we can insert the same in the dividend warrant. The warrant, however, will be mailed to you. Likewise for any change, similar details may be furnished to the Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) (Click here for format)
    • For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.

    Note: No request for recording /changing Bank details shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

  • Other modes of safeguard against fraudulent encashment of dividend

    Besides printing of bank details in which case the bank particulars are printed on the dividend warrant and the warrant is then sent to the address of the first named shareholder, the shareholders can ensure safeguarding their dividend warrant against fraudulent encashment by availing either of the following facilities:

    a) Bank Mandate

    • Under this facility, the bank particulars of the shareholders are printed on the dividend warrant and sent to the bank of the concerned shareholder for credit in his account (Click here for format for providing bank mandate). However, this facility is available to shareholders holding shares in physical form only.

    b) Electronic Clearing Service(ECS)

    • Electronic Clearing Service “ECS” is the facility by which the Company sends your dividend electronically to your banker for credit to your account, with an advice to you. Presently, the ECS is available to investors in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna and Thiruvananthapuram, Pune.
    • To avail the ECS facility, please provide the details in the format (Click here for format).

    And furnishing the said information to:

    • The Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company in case shares are held in physical form; and
    • Their Depository Participants in case shares are held in electronic form

    Note: No request for recording /changing Bank details / Bank Mandate / ECS shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

Bank Mandate
  • Mailing of physical dividend warrant to your bank
    • You can register your bank account details (Click here for form) with the Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company. We will directly mail your dividend warrant to the bank for crediting your account. The counterfoil will be mailed to you for records. However, this facility is available to shareholders holding shares in physical form only. 
    • For any change, similar details may be furnished to RTA.

    Note: No request for registration of Bank Mandate and/or any change therein shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

  • Other modes of safeguard against fraudulent encashment of dividend

    Registering Bank mandate with the Company:

    • Ensures receipt of dividend even if the change in your address has not been notified. 
    • Minimises risk of misappropriation. 
    • Precludes the need for you to go to Bank to deposit the cheque in your account.
  • Advantages of registering Bank Mandate

    Registering Bank mandate with the Company:

    • Besides printing of bank details and Bank mandate on the dividend warrant, you can ensure receipt of dividend in your bank account by availing the facility of Electronic Clearing Service (ECS). Under the ECS facility the Company sends your dividend electronically to your banker for credit to your account, with an advice to you. Presently, the ECS is available to investors in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna and Thiruvananthapuram. 
    • To avail the ECS facility, please provide the details in the format (Click here for format
    • Kindly send the duly completed and signed form (in original) to: 
      • The Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company(in case of shares held in physical form); and Your Depository Participant (in case of shares held in electronic form)
Electronic clearing service for dividend
  • Availing Electronic Clearing Service
    • Electronic Clearing Service "ECS" is the facility by which the Company sends your dividend electronically to your banker for credit to your account, with an advice to you. Presently, the ECS is available to investors in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna and Thiruvananthapuram, Pune.
    • To avail the ECS facility, please provide the details in the format (Click here for format)

    Note : No request for ECS shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

  • Advantages of getting dividend electronically

    Getting dividend electronically:

    • Ensures receipt of your dividend amount in any designated bank account on the payment date, thus minimising the time lag.
    • Ensures receipt of dividend even if the change in your address has not been notified. 
    • Minimises risk of misappropriation. 
    • Precludes the need for you to go to Bank to deposit the cheque in your account.
  • Procedure for recording change in ECS mandate

    To change your ECS mandate, please write to:

    Note : No request for recording change in ECS mandate shall be entertained over Fax/e-mail.

Deletion of Name
  • Deletion of Name

    Deletion of name is the process of registration of shares in the name of surviving jointer holder(s) after deleting the name of deceased shareholder from the records of the Company.

  • Deletion of name(s) of deceased shareholder(s) - Procedure

    Please furnish the following documents to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company:

    • i) Copy of Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • ii) Original share certificate for Rs.10/- shares of Ramganga Fertilisers Limited.
    • iii) Form for deletion of name duly signed by all surviving joint holders (Click here for format).

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Ramganga Fertilisers Limited.

    • Pursuant to the BIFR order Ramganga Fertilisers Limited (RFL) was merged with Vam Organic Chemicals Limited (VOCL). As per the said BIFR order, shareholder(s) of RFL were allotted shares of VOCL of Rs.10/- each, in the ratio of 1:10.35.
    • The name of VOCL was changed to ‘Jubilant Organosys Limited' (the Company), in November, 2001.
    • The Rs.10/- shares of the Company were sub-divided into shares of Rs.5/- each in November, 2002.
    • The shareholders of the Company were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5.
    • The Rs.5/- shares of the Company were further sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006.
    • Pursuant to the above, shares of erstwhile RFL are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date. 
    • Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of RFL are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of RFL to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company. 
    Deletion of name(s) of deceased shareholder(s) - Procedure

    Please furnish the following documents to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company:

    • i) Copy of Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • ii) Original share certificate for Rs.10/- shares of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited.
    • iii) Form for deletion of name duly signed by all surviving joint holders (Click here for format).

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited.

    • The name of Vam Organic Chemicals Limited (VOCL) was changed to ‘Jubilant Life Sciences Limited' (the Company), in November, 2001.
    • The Rs.10/- shares of the Company were sub-divided into shares of Rs.5/- each in November, 2002 
    • The shareholders of the Company were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5
    • The Rs.5/- shares of the Company were further sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006.
    • Pursuant to the above, the Rs.10/- shares of VOCL are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date.
    • Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of VOCL are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of VOCL to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company.
    Deletion of name(s) of deceased shareholder(s) - Procedure

    Please furnish the following documents to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company:

    • i) Copy of Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • ii) Original share certificate for Rs.10/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.
    • iii) Form for deletion of name duly signed by all surviving joint holders Click here for format.

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.

    • The Rs.10/- shares of the Company were sub-divided into shares of Rs.5/- each in November, 2002.
    • The shareholders of the Jubilant Life Sciences Limited (the ‘Company') were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5.
    • The Rs.5/- shares of the Company were further sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006.
    • Pursuant to the above, the Rs.10/- shares of the Company are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date.
    • Shareholders holding Rs.10/- shares of the Company are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of the Company to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company.
    Deletion of name(s) of deceased shareholder(s) - Procedure

    Please furnish the following documents to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company:

    • i) Copy of Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public
    • ii) Original share certificate for Rs.5/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited
    • iii) Form for deletion of name duly signed by all surviving joint holders Click here for format.

    Important information for shareholders holding Rs.5/- shares of Jubilant Life Sciences Limited.

    • The shareholders of the Jubilant Life Sciences Limited (the ‘Company') were allotted Bonus shares in March, 2004 in the ratio of 3:5.
    • Further, the Rs.5/- shares of the Company were sub-divided into shares of Re.1/- each in March, 2006.
    • Pursuant to the above, the Rs.5/- shares of the Company are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date.
    • Pursuant to the above, the Rs.10/- shares of the Company are no more valid as on date and that the shares of Re.1/- each of the Company are only valid as on date.
    • Shareholders holding Rs.5/- shares of the Company are, therefore, advised to submit share certificates of the Company to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company, for exchange with shares of Re.1/- each of the Company.
    Deletion of name(s) of deceased shareholder(s) - Procedure

    Please furnish the following documents to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company:

    • i)Copy of Death Certificate(s) of deceased shareholder(s) duly certified by an Executive Magistrate / Notary Public.
    • ii)Original share certificate for Re.1/- shares of Jubilant Pharmova Limited.
    • iii) Form for deletion of name duly signed by all surviving joint holders Click here for format.
Nomination Facility
Valuable Tips

Valuable Tips for Shareholders

  • Send share transfer documents by registered post only.
  • For prompt transfer of shares, fill correct and full particulars in the transfer deed.
  • Consolidate multiple folios to facilitate easy portfolio management.
  • Avail nomination facility in case shares are held in single name.
  • Hold shares in joint names, rather than single name.
  • Considering the advantages of scripless trading, members are advised to consider dematerialisation of their shareholding.
  • Sale / purchase of shares in electronic form does not attract stamp duty otherwise payable in respect of sale / purchase of shares in physical form.
  • Mention your phone number and e-mail ID, if any, while writing to the Company or its RTA.
  • Purchase or sell securities only through registered stock brokers.
  • Insist on a bill for every settlement.
  • In case of any doubt/problem, contact the Compliance Officer (
  • Always mention your complete address along with pin code while filling in the transfer deed / opening an account with a depository participant.
  • Keep photocopies of certificates, transfer deeds and other documents sent by post to RTA. In case of a loss in transit, they come handy.