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Business Segments

Supply Chain

The supply chain at Jubilant Pharmova Limited, has been in direct correlation with the external markets and based on the changing market conditions, we maintain flexibility and aim at bringing about continuous improvement in performance.

The focus on transparent e-procurement purchasing electronic process (EJBUY) for transactions on export logistics services has been implemented with high online quotes target and is now in the process to be extended into all categories of buying. The maturity and the online negotiations and approvals with Management Information System and intelligence on the platform have been the primary focus for us during this year leading to transparency, visibility and faster processing of transactions across the value chain. Keeping this in mind we also help in protecting our environment with paperless buying.

The negotiations through reverse auctions on selected categories have been implemented on the platform thus achieving better price discovery to fulfill the target of cost reduction.

Various initiatives on alternate sourcing, consolidation and single window buying have been introduced in the system to bring more value to the buying process. The activities have been further extended to integrate R&D spend and to look at global sourcing initiatives with a strong eye for sourcing from China.

Our other initiatives on integrating logistics through multi-modal transportation of bulk liquids from and to the ports and its integration with in-house railway siding has been a proud achievement. Further, stretch targets with respect to improving ‘On Time in Full’ for customers and reducing inventory in the pipeline have been brought into consideration to manage costs better. Measurement systems within the Supply Chain Re-engineering (SCOR) framework which can measure the critical parameters for supply chain accuracy has focused to improve the customer-facing metrics through the automated order management process on the Information Technology (IT) platform used. Monthly measurement of forecast accuracy has created better visibility, especially on the inventory across the end-to-end supply chain. We are in constant talks with our suppliers for taking certain initiatives on greening supply chains.

We are working with a target of sustainable growth with a strong commitment towards the environment and simultaneously learn and grow with our own stakeholders. The excellence and perfection of the supply chain processes has been the result of a long journey that shall unravel itself in a much more advantageous manner in the coming times.

Suppliers are essential to our Success. Our supplier strategy is geared towards building powerful and productive relationships with suppliers focusing on meeting business objectives, profitability, growth, innovation and sustainability.

The Supplier Centre provides access to tools and information to help current and future suppliers of Jubilant Pharmova Limited (JPM). It provides a single window to JPM’s sourcing & logistics information, policies, and transaction tools. This facilitates our potential and existing suppliers to understand our expectations from and what they can expect from us.

“Partners in Progress”

What we expect from our suppliers

  • Commitment to reliable & long term supply relationship
  • Capability to provide raw materials & services to support Innovation
  • Global Presence -To support strategic geographies and a broad variety of needs
  • Cost Competitiveness
  • Contribute to a sustainable development by providing environmentally responsible solutions.
  • Embody responsible and ethical business practices.
  • Consistency in supply, service & quality
  • Practice Responsible Care® - chemical industry’s global voluntary initiative to continuously improve Health, Safety and environmental performance.
  • Follow the highest standards of Ethical business practices as outlined in our ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’
Interested in becoming a supplier?

New Suppliers are encouraged to register on our supplier portal with accurate and validated information. Once registered successfully, the supplier can supply to Jubilant Pharmova Limited across multiple locations.

Contact us here >

What suppliers can expect from us

Jubilant Pharmova Limited recognizes suppliers as an integral component of its value chain. By partnering Jubilant, suppliers can expect healthy business volumes and improved market reputation for their businesses. As Jubilant works to achieve its corporate commitments and growth goals, we create the benefit of growth opportunity for our suppliers.

How we source

Jubilant sourcing policy lies in line with the best practices adopted and recommended by world class organizations and consultants. The sourcing & logistics procurement function in Jubilant Pharmova Limited is organized to effectively leverage the buying power across all Jubilant Locations. JPM has it’s own dedicated team for sourcing of Raw Materials & Packing Material which also cross coordinate with each other for single window buying of Common Raw Materials & Packing Materials.

Who Can Buy at Jubilant

Execution authority is needed for anyone to procure materials or services on behalf of Jubilant. This authority is granted to personnel in buying roles or in buying teams. Only a personnel with proper execution authority can establish an agreement that commits Jubilant funds to be paid to a supplier. Someone without an execution authority cannot ‘Buy’ on behalf of Jubilant.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Jubilant Pharmova Limited (the “Company”) is committed to doing business ethically and responsibly and expects the same of its Suppliers. In support of this commitment, the Company has developed this Supplier Code of Conduct to convey its expectations of its Suppliers with regards to compliance with laws, ethical business practices and fair treatment of people and surroundings.

The Company suppliers should strictly observe and comply with all the fundamental principles stated below, as well as the Company Code of Conduct as applicable. The Company may verify its Suppliers’ compliance with this Code, through audits. Violations of this code could be grounds for termination of the Supplier’s business relationship with the Company, and such Supplier could also be precluded from future business.

  • Act in compliance with laws. Supplier shall maintain awareness of and comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries where they operate, including, but not limited to – where applicable – anticorruption laws, customs regulations, export and trade control laws, transportation laws, and fair trade practices and competition laws, etc.
  • Do business ethically. Supplier shall not pay bribes or provide kickbacks or give anything of value or extend any favours to secure business or any business advantage. Supplier shall not allow itself to be used as a vehicle for any money laundering activities.
  • Prohibition of inappropriate gifts, meals and entertainment. Supplier shall not provide or offer gifts, meals or entertainment (including cash or cash equivalents) that could appear to inappropriately influence a business decision. Business courtesies of nominal value may be offered only in a manner consistent with the Company Code of Conduct.
  • Demonstrate respect for people. Supplier shall seek to employ a diverse workforce, provide a work place free of discrimination and harassment, and treat employees fairly, including with respect to wages, working hours, benefits and working conditions.
  • Respect fundamental human rights. Supplier shall ensure that the products and materials they sell or the services they render to the Company are not created by using child labour, forced/ compulsory labour or through the victims of human trafficking and shall take all steps to eliminate such practices in their supply chains.
  • Provide a safe working environment. Supplier shall provide to its employees and contracted services providers, a safe, clean and healthy working environment, systems and tools that are necessary to ensure compliance with all relevant laws, rules, and regulations. It shall strive to prevent occupational injuries and safety incidents including during transportation for which it shall engage qualified logistics service providers having certified containers, facilities, personnel, systems, practices, and capability to respond to all emergencies so as to minimise any adverse impact on environment or the communities that it operates in.
  • Comply with environmental regulations. Supplier shall conduct its businesses and operate its facilities in a manner compliant with applicable environmental laws, regulations and industry standards and shall support the Company’s efforts to operate sustainably.
  • Demonstrate actions towards contributing to Climate Change Mitigation. Supplier shall monitor their GHG emission (Scope 1, Scope 2 & Scope 3) regularly. Should have progressive KPI on reduction of its GHGs through means suitable to its business and operation.
  • Provision of high-quality products and services. Suppliers will need to demonstrate that they have quality management systems. Suppliers within the food and drugs value chain need to have robust food and drugs safety systems in place.
  • Keep accurate books and records. Supplier shall maintain accurate books and business records as required by applicable legal and regulatory requirements and accepted accounting practices. Manage and protect information. Supplier shall take appropriate steps to protect the Company’s proprietary or confidential information, intellectual properties and trade secrets, including the privacy of information and data of the Company’s employees and customers.
  • Reputation and Brand. Suppliers shall not take any action that compromises or could be detrimental to the Company name, its reputation, brand, and/or its product trademarks.
  • Reporting of Misconduct: Where permitted by law, suppliers may report suspected violations of this Supplier Code of Conduct to the Ombudsperson, Jubilant at or by post to Post Box No. 4374, Ombudsperson - Jubilant Group, New Delhi.