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Business Segments

Business Excellence

Business Excellence function helps in creating an outline for the improvement of strategies in accordance with the growing trends which is advantageous in terms of strong execution, mechanism and capacity.

Customer, Process and People are the three pillars of the organization that these improvement strategies pertain to the continuous effort of the Business Excellence function is to understand the processes and systems and then model them by transferring functions, by defining crucial measurements resulting in superior coordination and by integration of processes.

Learning, reconfiguration and transfiguration have become the source of competitive advantage and can be effectively used to cash on the company’s competitive strategy. During this journey of continual improvement, this function has adopted various improvement methodologies in line with organizational priorities like:

  • Six Sigma
  • Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
  • Total Productivity Management (TPM)
  • Project Management (EPM)
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Lean
  • World Class Manufacturing (WCM)
  • Supply Chain Re-engineering (SCOR)
  • Operation Research (OR)

Recently, the Business Excellence function has also added competencies such as Maynard Operation Sequencing Technique (MOST) for manpower productivity enhancement and Dynamic and Steady-State Simulation Modelling for enhancing efficiencies of chemical processes using tools like ASPEN and DYNOCHEM.

The scope of these improvement initiatives covers all facets of the business including Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing, New Product Introduction (R&D), Supply Chain, Corporate HR, Projects and other support functions which help in creating a more efficient value chain. The Business Excellence infrastructure element helps in creating self-driven / mission-directed teams which drive their operational area towards excellence in alignment to business objectives through the right accountability and training. A sustainable culture, which allows growth to enter so rapidly is the result of strong dedication, commitment and zeal of people associated with us.

Continuous improvement is what we believe in and for that both major and minor initiatives are introduced within the organization. Knowledge-based newsletters are shared across all businesses, yellow and green belt training for corporate functions are undertaken covering many employees. A Kaizen scheme was launched to generate a number of ideas on cost reduction, capacity enhancement and quality improvement.

Some of the key projects undertaken recently are capacity debottlenecking projects through application of Lean Six Sigma and process simulation in APIs, Solid Dosage Formulations and Fine Ingredients business, Supply Chain reengineering solutions in the area of planning and sourcing by creating optimization and business intelligence solutions in the pharmaceutical businesses and customer delight projects in contract manufacturing businesses where critical cost savings and quality improvement projects were done to resolve chronic issues using design for Six Sigma techniques. Cash to Cash cycle time reduction and working capital improvements were driven across all businesses by following best-in-class Lean and Supply Chain practices.