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At Jubilant Pharmova, Corporate Governance is both a tradition and a way of life. We believe in delivering on our promise of Caring, Sharing, Growing.

We will, with utmost care for the environment, continue to enhance value for our customers by providing innovative products and economically efficient solutions and for our shareholders through sales growth, cost effectiveness and wise investment of resources.

Corporate Governance Philosophy

  • Caring for the environment which includes caring for the society around us.
  • Enhancement of stakeholder's value through pursuit of excellence, efficiency of operations, quest for growth and continuous innovation.
  • Transparency, promptness and fairness in disclosures to and communication with all stakeholders including shareholders, government authorities, customers, suppliers, lenders, employees and the community at large; and Complying with laws in letter as well as in spirit.

Corporate Governance Highlights

  • Appropriate mix of Executive and Non-Executive Independent Directors on the Board with more than half Independent Directors bringing in expertise in diverse areas.
  • Constitution of several Committees for focussed attention and proactive flow of information.
  • Emphasis on ethical business conduct by the Board, management and employees.
  • Employees Stock Option Plans - to attract, reward and retain key senior executives.
  • Active employee participation in place; one top executive on the Board of Directors.
  • Business excellence through 'Velocity' initiatives like Six Sigma, lean and world class manufacturing.
  • Online monitoring of internal controls on all operations spanning around 1700 control assertions through especially designed software to institutionalise a quarterly system of certification to enable CEO/CFO certification of internal controls as per revised Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement as stipulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
  • Robust Risk Management and Control Mapping for each of the businesses and for the Company as a whole.
  • Timely, transparent and regular disclosures.
  • Effective control on statutory compliances by quarterly online reporting and presentation.
  • Paperless meetings of Board and Committees.
  • Comprehensive Corporate Sustainability Management System.
  • Established Codes of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management as also for other employees.
  • Robust Whistle Blower Mechanism and Ombudsman Process.
  • Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading.
  • Focus on hiring, retaining and nurturing best talent and to promote a culture of excellence across the organisation. Exhaustive HRD Policies cover succession planning, training and development, employee grievance handling etc.; and Regular communication with shareholders including e-mailing of quarterly results and press releases just after release to Stock Exchanges, e-mailing of Annual Reports and Corporate Sustainability Report, obtaining regular and also online feedback.