• symphony

    Edition 104

  • jublient


Code Of Conduct

Good Co-workers can Drive Excellent Organisational Growth

The impact work colleagues may have on each other is enormous. Helping and supporting colleagues and becoming a good co-worker in the workplace has many advantages. It not only helps employees become a better worker and boost their careers but also help the Company grow overall.

Being a good co-worker can help one develop good communications skills, team-leading abilities, project-and time-management skills and self-esteem-building abilities.

Colleagues can often play an important role in giving information towards advice, instructions or help. They can also influence beliefs and attitudes.

Good Colleagues have often found to reduce negative workplace behaviors and employee withdrawal symptoms and help improve the company culture. The culture of Company plays an extremely important role in creating a productive work environment for the business.

Jubilant is committed to creating and nurturing a work environment that promotes transparent business practices. The Company works towards enabling an atmosphere wherein employees treat their colleagues, business partners, and all stakeholders with respect, courtesy, honesty, ethically, and with fairness. Employees are expected to act in accordance with the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, independence, honesty and ethical conduct including use of utmost care and sound judgement in good faith while making business decisions. At Jubilant, it is the responsibility of all employees to adhere to the Code and to follow it in letter and spirit.

In order to spread awareness on the various aspects of our Code, several communications targeted on select topics are disseminated to employees from time to time.
